Development of Learning Packages to Strengthening Character Education in Civic Education for Vocational Students

Heri Purbono


Research and development is intended to produce products such as reinforcement learning packages in PPKn character education that includes teaching materials, teacher guides, and guides students eligible to use and can improve the quality of learning in an effective, efficient, and attractive. This development model Dick and Carey on systemic and procedural. The procedure researched the development of these activities includes nine steps. Product validation test conducted by three experts. The experts of the course content, instructional design experts, and expert instructional media. The field trials in SMK Negeri PP Sembawa with the subjects involved are X class learners majoring second-semester plantation some 33 people and a teacher PPKn subjects. The results showed that the learning package is very feasible to use and very effective. Data were obtained: (1) the results of expert validation of the course content to the percentage of teaching materials (89%), teacher guides (90%), and guide students (90%), (2) the results of expert validation of instructional design for the percentage teaching materials (92%), teacher guides (97%), and guide students (92%), (3) the results of expert validation media the percentage of teaching materials (99%), teacher guides (98%), and guide students (98% ), (4) the results of individual testing for the percentage of teaching materials (89%), guides the students (91%), (5) the small group trial percentage of teaching materials (96%), guides the students (97%), (6 ) the results of field trials the percentage of instructional materials (93%), guide students (95%), and teacher guidance (98%) and from the assessment of 33 students, the results were very effective, namely 100% of students reached the KKM with excellent attitudes and skills.


Development; Learning Package; Strengthening Character Education; PPKn

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